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Auditing Your Instagram & Why it's Important

Writer's picture: Ashley MilesAshley Miles

How you show up online matters, anything you post to social media these days will be seen by someone somewhere - you just want to make sure it's the right, someone! You could spend hours researching online about what to post, when to post, and still end up with... well, crickets... or maybe 2 "likes", one from your 3rd cousin Tommy and another from your best friend Sarah. Although we appreciate the continued support of your friends and family it's not exactly helpful engagement for the type of business you're trying to build. If you have found yourself confused, overwhelmed, or downright annoyed with social media - we don't blame you! However, Instagram can be one of the greatest assets in your business if you know how to use it intentionally.

Now you might be saying to yourself "Oh my Instagram isn't that important, I only have 39 followers"

Well, what if we told you that your "likes" and "followers" don't actually matter? At least not as much as it seems like they do.

In fact, we have proof! We sold nearly $5,000 worth of services off of ONE Instagram post. And it was a post that only got 14 "likes" and 1 comment!

You see, when you know how to use Instagram - it really is a powerful tool. And it's not as difficult as it may seem. How many clients (and $$$$) are you leaving on the table by not leveraging Instagram to its fullest potential?

When you open your Instagram profile is it obvious what you do? Are your posts reaching your target market? When you post to social media are you doing so with a clear end goal in mind? These are the types of questions we want our beloved Realtors to be thinking about. After all, your success is our success!

We see many businesses continually posting content and exhausting their time and resources with little to no return. That's where we come in! Here are RE PIXS, our intention is to help Realtors like yourself show up online in an easy, authentic way that will help drive real traffic to your small business! We believe one of the first steps towards enhancing your online presence is to audit how you're showing up online.

So we created a 2-page self-assessment that will set the groundwork for your intentional marketing journey!

We're ready to help you turn your Instagram into a lead magnet and put all of those online marketing doubts behind!

We have ramped up our efforts to create win-wins and give you easy-to-digest marketing tips (like this blog post) to help you grow your small business into the sales-converting-super-business it's meant to be. And guess what?! We have put together another AMAZING resource for you.

The last few months our team has been working so hard behind the scenes to create an entire e-course just for Realtors like you. In today's climate online presence is more important than ever, and moving into the future your business literally depends on it. And you know what? Intentionally showing up online doesn't have to be difficult. We're here to walk you through the entire process of creating, curating, and maintaining a beautiful online presence - starting with Instagram.

Our intentional marketing course is designed to help Realtors like you turn your Instagram page into an authentic and purposeful sales funnel that will capture leads simply by teaching you how to show up online in an intentional way that attracts your ideal clients. You are a gift to this world and it's our goal to help you share your light with others because there is no one quite like you. Your dream clients are out there waiting to find a Realtor as special and unique as you! All you have to do is show up online - and we will show you how.

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