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  • Auditing Your Instagram & Why it's Important

    How you show up online matters, anything you post to social media these days will be seen by someone somewhere - you just want to make sure it's the right, someone! You could spend hours researching online about what to post, when to post, and still end up with... well, crickets... or maybe 2 "likes", one from your 3rd cousin Tommy and another from your best friend Sarah. Although we appreciate the continued support of your friends and family it's not exactly helpful engagement for the type of business you're trying to build. If you have found yourself confused, overwhelmed, or downright annoyed with social media - we don't blame you! However, Instagram can be one of the greatest assets in your business if you know how to use it intentionally. Now you might be saying to yourself "Oh my Instagram isn't that important, I only have 39 followers" Well, what if we told you that your "likes" and "followers" don't actually matter? At least not as much as it seems like they do. In fact, we have proof! We sold nearly $5,000 worth of services off of ONE Instagram post. And it was a post that only got 14 "likes" and 1 comment! You see, when you know how to use Instagram - it really is a powerful tool. And it's not as difficult as it may seem. How many clients (and $$$$) are you leaving on the table by not leveraging Instagram to its fullest potential? When you open your Instagram profile is it obvious what you do? Are your posts reaching your target market? When you post to social media are you doing so with a clear end goal in mind? These are the types of questions we want our beloved Realtors to be thinking about. After all, your success is our success! We see many businesses continually posting content and exhausting their time and resources with little to no return. That's where we come in! Here are RE PIXS, our intention is to help Realtors like yourself show up online in an easy, authentic way that will help drive real traffic to your small business! We believe one of the first steps towards enhancing your online presence is to audit how you're showing up online. So we created a 2-page self-assessment that will set the groundwork for your intentional marketing journey! We're ready to help you turn your Instagram into a lead magnet and put all of those online marketing doubts behind! We have ramped up our efforts to create win-wins and give you easy-to-digest marketing tips (like this blog post) to help you grow your small business into the sales-converting-super-business it's meant to be. And guess what?! We have put together another AMAZING resource for you. The last few months our team has been working so hard behind the scenes to create an entire e-course just for Realtors like you. In today's climate online presence is more important than ever, and moving into the future your business literally depends on it. And you know what? Intentionally showing up online doesn't have to be difficult. We're here to walk you through the entire process of creating, curating, and maintaining a beautiful online presence - starting with Instagram. Our intentional marketing course is designed to help Realtors like you turn your Instagram page into an authentic and purposeful sales funnel that will capture leads simply by teaching you how to show up online in an intentional way that attracts your ideal clients. You are a gift to this world and it's our goal to help you share your light with others because there is no one quite like you. Your dream clients are out there waiting to find a Realtor as special and unique as you! All you have to do is show up online - and we will show you how. Follow us on Instagram the first to know about the Intentional Marketing Course - launching soon!

  • Why you should use 3D Matterport tours on your listings in 2021

    If you're reading this article chances are you're a Realtor in or around Portland, Oregon. The Real Estate market here is HOT and homes are flying off the market with barely enough time to even have an open house! Inventory is low and buyers are finding themselves stuck in bidding wars or submitting over asking price offers within hours of being on the market. With this being the reality we find ourselves in you may be asking - why spend the money on a 3D Matterport tour if listings with only photos are getting multiple offers? Here's why: 1) Offer the best to your clients With PMAR & EMAR reporting a combined total of more than 9,000 Realtors serving the Portland metropolitan area in 2020 it can be easy to feel lost in the crowd. Although there are many things you can do to be a great agent, you can easily set yourself apart from the crowd by offering 3D Matterport tours to your sellers. Did you know that a whopping 74% of Realtors say they win more listings because they share about 3D Matterport in their initial listing appointments?! 2) It's time to adapt to the "New Normal" As an industry, we have had to quickly pivot & innovate over this last year. The world is changing - and that's not necessarily a bad thing. Just as professional photos have become the industry standard, 3D tours have become the new normal as well. Over this last year, as a company, we have seen a 437% increase in 3D tours! This exponential growth shows that both buyers and sellers have a strong desire for this technology. Even so, not every agent has taken the "leap" into offering this service! Out of the 900+ clients that use RE PIXS only 104 have used our 3D Matterport technology. That means only 11% of Realtors are currently offering 3D Matterport to their clients. 3) Oregon is still an in-migration state For many years, more people have moved into Oregon each year than have moved out of the state. And as a Realtor you know there are many out of state buyers looking for homes right now. Having a 3D Matterport tour increases the likelihood of receiving even more offers! In fact, Real estate listings with more visual content (like video/Matterport) receive 403% more inquiries compared to those without it. These tours allow buyers to view the entire property virtually. This is not only great for out of state buyers, but also for local buyers who have to make quick decisions to submit an offer within hours of a property going live. 4) Increase brand awareness The Real Estate world has become even more tech-savvy than ever before. We have learned the value of being agile along with the importance of being able to work from anywhere at a moment’s notice. Moving forward, we expect the Real Estate industry to transform into even more of an online and virtual service in the near future. Increasing your online brand awareness and enhancing the virtual aspects of your business is even more important than ever - we believe you can do just that with 3D Matterport tours! Just a decade ago professional listing photos were reserved for luxury homes and commercial listings. Now nearly every listing has professional photos, and you know why? Because it's what buyers want and expect from their Agent nowadays. According to an independent study done by Matterport and Mixpanel Analytics, they have found that: - 90% of Realtors stated that Matterport helps them build a stronger brand in the marketplace Who knew a simple 3D tour could help your Real Estate business so much!? RE PIXS Photographer & 3D Operator - Sam Norwood hard at work creating a 3D tour! Here at RE PIXS, we have always strived to be at the forefront of new Real Estate media technology. We were actually one of the first companies here in Portland, Oregon to offer 3D Matterport tours. In fact, Matterport (the company itself) hires our team as their preferred service provider here in Portland. We have completed thousands of 3D scans, and are trusted by big brands like Starbucks, US Bank, Bed Bath & Beyond, and many more! Our team is experienced and excited to work with you soon! Easily book a 3D tour with your next listing at Have questions? Contact our office at (971) 295-1676 or send an email to! Learn more about the importance of 3D Tours and Fact-Check our statistics with these sources:,with%20your%20marketing%20and%20selling.

  • 3 Secrets to Intentional Marketing on Instagram That Actually Convert...

    If your small business is anything like ours, chances are you had to pivot and adapt in a million different ways last year. 2020 was the year of Virtual meetings, turning your dining room into an office, and asking yourself "WTF just happened" over and over again! You might have caught yourself asking "How do I market myself and my business now??" and maybe you've even had to put yourself out there online more than you ever thought you would have to! You've done everything you can think of, and your social media efforts still... aren't... converting... Ugh! Although many of us continue to pivot and adapt towards the end 2021, it doesn't mean it's still easy or that we have it all figured out yet! That's where we come in! Here are RE PIXS, our intention is to help Realtors like yourself show up online in an easy, authentic way that will help drive traffic to your small business! After all, your success is our success! We have ramped up our efforts to create win-wins and give you easy-to-digest marketing tips (like this blog post) to help you grow your small business into the sales-converting-super-business it's meant to be. We're ready to help you put all of those online marketing doubts behind. Together we will be looking forward bright-eyed and bushy-tailed ready to make this next year the BEST YEAR YET. Here are our top 3 secrets to intentionally marketing your Real Estate business on Instagram: SECRET #1: Defining Your Ideal Client Who are they? What kind of Real Estate deal are they looking for? What do they like? What accounts or hashtags do they follow on Instagram? What inspires them? What do they post about online? Pull out your favorite journal and start writing about your ideal client, the more details the better! DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP! It's so important that you are able to clearly define who you are marketing to online. We see so many small businesses posting inconsistent content and chances are it's because they haven't clearly defined who it is they are speaking to. Keep in mind, your target audience criteria should be your dream client - not necessarily the clients you're already working with on a regular basis (unless they are already your dream clients of course!). Need more journal prompts for defining your ideal client? Be sure to follow RE PIXS on Instagram to download our FREE Intentional marketing worksheets (launching soon!) SECRET #2: Setting Your End Goal Setting goals is so important in business, and in life in general. One of our favorite quotes is "You can't hit a target you cannot see, and you cannot see a target you do not have" by Zig Ziglar, meaning if you don't know what you're aiming for, you will miss your mark every time. If you're reading this - chances are you've been an entrepreneur for a while now and you've probably sat down a time or two to set your business goals. However, have you taken the next step to break down your year-end goals? Are they broken down into tangible action items? Do you know how you can utilize an online marketing strategy to reach them faster? These are all great questions you should be asking when setting your goals for this upcoming year. Let's say you have a goal to sell $100M in Real Estate this next year. The next step is to determine where your leads are coming in from and what percentage of your business they account for. If you have data from the previous year, we suggest analyzing it and honing in on the marketing strategies you used that had the highest conversion rate and/or the best quality of leads. If online marketing was not a part of your strategy for generating leads last year, you have an amazing opportunity to significantly grow your business! Did you know that 47% of real estate businesses note that social media results in the highest quality leads versus other sources according to SproutSocial. If you need help determining how you can break down your goals, you will love module one of our Intentional Marketing course where we give you the exact steps needed to set your yearly goals and turn them into action items. We're opening the doors to our course for only one week so don't miss out! Want more information? Follow us on Instagram to be the first to know! SECRET #3: Curate content & Use CTAs (Call to actions) A crucial part of intentional marketing online is curating content that your ideal client actually wants to see. One of the biggest mistakes you can make in online marketing is posting irrelevant content with no call to action. Take a moment to look at the last 3 posts you put up on your social media - is it obvious what you do or who you help based on your last 3 posts? Is the content you posted relevant to what your ideal client would likely want to interact with? Why or why not? Did you use a call-to-action? How did you ask for others to engage with you? Did you ask them to message you? Or maybe to comment on your post? If not one of the best things you can do for your online marketing is to start using call-to-actions which will increase your engagement drastically. And when you increase your engagement the chances of you converting your followers into leads also skyrockets! If all of this seems overwhelming to you, it's okay! We have put together an AMAZING resource for you. The last few months our team has been working so hard behind the scenes to create an entire e-course just for Realtors like you. In today's climate online presence is more important than ever, and moving into the future your business literally depends on it. And you know what? Intentionally showing up online doesn't have to be difficult. We're here to walk you through the entire process of creating, curating, and maintaining a beautiful online presence - starting with Instagram. Our intentional marketing course is designed to help Realtors like you turn your Instagram page into an authentic and purposeful sales funnel that will capture leads simply by teaching you how to show up online in an intentional way that attracts your ideal clients. You are a gift to this world and it's our goal to help you share your light with others because there is no one quite like you. Your dream clients are out there waiting to find a Realtor as special and unique as you! All you have to do is show up online - and we will show you how. Follow us on Instagram the first to know about the Intentional Marketing Course - launching soon! Be sure to sign up for our new Intentional Marketing Course wait list to be the first to know about its launch!

  • How and When Should I be Utilizing Instagram?

    As a realtor, you have so much to offer and, although there are a lot of realtors out there, there is no one quite like you! You bring a special perspective and there are clients out there dreaming of finding a realtor like you! This is one reason, especially in today’s climate, why social media can be such a useful tool not only to connect with family members but to connect with clients, too. This may come as a shock to you, but not many realtors use Instagram for their business. Instagram is one of the newer platforms on the social media front and it’s been found that only about 47 percent of real estate agents use Instagram. On the other hand, 99% of millennials and 90% of baby boomers use it actively ( What does this mean for you as a realtor? It means that the majority of people who are buying houses right now are on Instagram so now is your chance to engage with them and win them over! There is a HUGE opportunity here waiting for you, and we want to teach you a few simple tricks to help you get started on Instagram today! STEP 1: The most important thing to remember when posting on Social Media is to be authentic. Be yourself! True authenticity shines and others will easily be able to see how special you truly are! When it comes to showing up online as a Realtor you want to appear as an expert in your field (because you are!) If you're stumped on what to post - simply share Real Estate related topics that YOU are passionate about! When you share updates and educational content that excites you, you can be certain it will excite someone else too. You may never know who is patiently waiting for the information you have to share! STEP 2: Be intentional. Here are RE PIXS we're all about showing up as your authentic self and being intentional about how you live your life on and off of social media! Have you ever sat down and thought about why you’re posting and that what you are posting on Instagram? Have you asked yourself the questions like "is this in alignment with my Real Estate brand?" or "Does this content answer questions for my ideal client?". If you've never thought about these questions here is your sign that this is a great time to pause, reflect, and get some clarity about your content! After you've determined what you're posting, it's time to plan for when you're going to post! Creating a content calendar can help with this. Now, creating an intentional marketing calendar may seem a bit overwhelming, but we’re here to help! Be sure to follow us on Instagram so that you will be FIRST to snag our FREE content planning worksheet! This content planning worksheet was created specifically for Realtors like you! And is intended to help you come up with intentional content that will help start turning your followers into tangible leads. How exciting is that?! STEP 3: Know when to post. One thing that will help you tremendously will be figuring out the best times to post on Instagram. Did you know that Monday’s get the least amount of interaction and engagement, while Wednesday’s get the most interaction and engagement? Isn't that crazy?! There is so much data available to you online to help figure out when the best time to post your content is. Pro tip: When you set your Instagram to a Business Account you can easily track your insights and really get a chance to analyze your posts and content. We know that there is an overwhelming amount of information out there on the internet about when you should post on social media, but guess what?! We have simplified it for you in our upcoming Intentional Marketing course! Be sure to follow us on Instagram for more educational tips and for details about our upcoming course launch. Click here to follow @re_pixs on Instagram! STEP 4: Use hashtags wisely, they can make all the difference on an Instagram post! If you've never used a hashtag before - don't fret. They're simple little pound signs in front of a word or set of words that turn that word or set of words into a searchable term. Ideally, the hashtags on your posts should be related to what you're sharing as well as hashtags your ideal client might already be following - that way you will show up in their news feed naturally! Isn't that exciting?! You can add just about any hashtag to your post (and when you type it in, Instagram will automatically tell you how popular it is). While you don’t want to bombard your posts with too many hastags, you do want to make sure you use hashtags that are beneficial to your target audience. Think about what your ideal client would be searching for online. Ask yourself what kind of hashtags your target audience might already be following and use them in your posts! We've done the research and found the top three hashtags YOU should be using as a Realtor right now! We highly recommend using at least one of these three on your upcoming Instagram posts! #realestate #realtor #realestateagent These three hashtags have been found to have the most success rate among realtors. They are the best ones to use to start and should be on ALL of your Instagram captions! If you’d like more hashtag tips and tricks along with some more suggestions for your real estate business, enter your email below to receive your own ideal client hashtag curation worksheet! And to think - this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to intentionally marketing your business online! Now, if this seems overwhelming to you, it's okay! We have put together an AMAZING resource for you. The last few months our team has been working so hard behind the scenes to create an entire e-course just for Realtors like you. In today's climate online presence is more important than ever, and moving into the future your business literally depends on it. And you know what? Intentionally showing up online doesn't have to be difficult. We're here to walk you through the entire process of creating, curating, and maintaining a beautiful online presence - starting with Instagram. Our intentional marketing course is designed to help Realtors like you turn your Instagram page into an authentic and purposeful sales funnel that will capture leads simply by teaching you how to show up online in an intentional way that attracts your ideal clients. You are a gift to this world and it's our goal to help you share your light with others because there is no one quite like you. Your dream clients are out there waiting to find a Realtor as special and unique as you! All you have to do is show up online - and we will show you how. Sign up to be the first to know about the Intentional Marketing Course - launching soon!

  • Photos? Drone? 3D Matterport? Zillow 3D? Drone Add-Ons? What does it all mean!?

    Here at RE PIXS, we pride ourselves on being the largest real estate media company in the Portland Metro area. Not only are we the biggest team overall, but we also offer the most services under one roof. We also have something exciting coming this Spring! Photography I think by now, everyone who works with us knows we take standard real estate photography- inside and outside of the home, and potentially photographing near by parks or other nearby commodities. These photos would also be what gets put into the virtual tours we send out and get put in the MLS as well. (To learn more about the different types of virtual tours, click here to read our other blog post!) This is what we have become known for, where we started, and what we continue to do! Every single person we hire starts here- its the foundation of our company! Click here to book your next appointment with RE PIXS! 3D Matterport Secondly, our team is also very experienced in 3D Matterport scans! A 3D Matterport scan is a very high tech, virtual 3D walkthrough of the home. While it can't be done outside, it is such a great way to add value to the home and showcase its best features! Just take a look at the example we have below! As you can see, these tours are super easy to navigate and you can virtually visit every room in the home from the comfort of your own home. These tours work on all devices and can even be viewed with VR goggles! Not many people know this, but you can take these 3D tours one step further by adding tags on specific features and labeling each room you'd like to highlight. You can also share 360-degree photos on your website and social media when you order a Matterport tour. Since in-person walkthroughs are limited right now due to COVID-19, we believe Matterport is the best way to market your new listing. We would highly recommend these for all listings. Not only does it allow potential buyers to tour the home, but it also keeps your clients and their family safe since their property can be toured without anyone physically stepping a foot inside! Another great feature of getting one of these walkthrough is that you can also get a floorplan when you get a Matterport scan as well! Click here to book your next appointment with RE PIXS! Zillow 3D Home Tours and Interactive Floor Plans We get quite a few questions about these newer Zillow tour options. These are great add-ons to photography that boost your listing on the Zillow platform. A Zillow 3D Home Tour can be captured in 2 ways, with an iPhone or a 3D Theta camera. These "3D" tours are a series of 360-degree photos, usually 1 of each room - you won't get the full walkthrough experience as you do with Matterport. This is the most basic 3D tour option, however, we still recommend this on all properties because your listing will automatically syndicate to Zillow, Redfin and Trulia as soon as you post it on the MLS anyway. You might as well appear higher in the search for the property zip code! Since Zillow is promoting these tours, their algorithm boosts your listing to the top of the search page when users are shopping in that area. Therefore, if you add a Zillow 3D Home tour on your listing it will generate more exposure on We also just recently launched a FREE Zillow Webinar that goes even more in-depth in explaining the benefits of adding these to your listings, how to edit them, and even how to take them yourself! Click here to book your next appointment with RE PIXS! Internal Video This service is great to add to properties that have special features inside you want to highlight in-motion, or for properties that have stunning outdoor spaces (since the 3D cameras aren't built for outdoors). Videos are a great addition to any property, and if you offer a video for your clients you will have a better chance at winning the listing since many Realtors don't typically offer this service since it is one of the most expensive add-ons and takes additional time to produce. We would suggest always getting an internal video on large properties (homes 5000+ SQFT), properties that are on a river/lake/oceanfront, and homes that have extravagant outdoor entertainment areas, or properties that have multiple outbuildings. Click here to book your next appointment with RE PIXS! Drone Services This has become more popular over the last few years and is a great way of showing off different perspectives of a property that could only be achieved by helicopter in the past. The most important thing to remember when ordering anything with a Drone is to make sure the operator is licensed and insured. There are so many drone operators out there who are not actually licensed, and if they're not licensed you can probably be certain they're not insured either. Not only is it illegal for these drone operators to charge for their services, it also brings up some pretty messy liability issues for everyone involved if the drone were to crash. All drone operators at RE PIXS are FAA licensed UAV pilots and currently hold a $1M accidental damage insurance policy. Check out some of our recent drone footage: Adding drone services to your listing is a great way to give viewers an idea of the proximity to nearby attractions and an easy way to show off the natural beauty surrounding the property. We highly suggest drone for all high-rise condos in a downtown location, any property within a 10-mile radius of downtown, and for horse properties or homes that have acreage and/or views of the mountain, river, lake, or ocean. What's even more exiting is that we will be adding a drone add-on feature this Spring!! What that means for you is a service that isn't as expensive or extensive. Normally, a regular drone shoot provides 15-20 photos for $200. With a drone add-on, you get 5-7 additional photos for half the price! We can't wait to launch this for you all! All of our photographers will be fully licensed and insured! We are so excited to off this to you all!! Click here to book your next appointment with RE PIXS!

  • Using Instagram to get Referrals, Reviews, & Leads: Realtor Edition

    As the end of the year approaches, I'm sure many of you are reviewing this current year and goal setting for next year. At RE PIXS, we love to track the data - we monitor just about everything that comes in and review what worked and didn't work as we plan for the upcoming year. And you know what worked for us in 2020? Social media! 😱 Prior to 2020, we didn't have a consistent marketing plan. We were posting frequently and trying our best to increase our followers and get more engagement... and all we heard were crickets. Nothing was converting, our team was putting in all of this effort - thinking of content, writing perfect captions, posting it, and HOPING our ideal client sees it... and nothing. Have you found yourself in the same boat this year? This continued until we learned about vanity metrics vs conversion metrics. Did you know the number of followers and comments you get doesn't necessarily equate to the number of leads, referrals, and reviews you get?! We're going to explain all of this in our new Intentional Marketing Course for Instagram which you can pre-order today! Coming early 2021! Before we get into the nitty-gritty on the Instagram course let's talk about things you and your team can do now to increase your referrals, reviews, and leads in 2021!! Getting Leads on Social Media Step 1: Create an Instagram account! Here is why: There are 1 billion active monthly users on Instagram each month. 71% of businesses use Instagram, and only 14% of Realtors use Instagram for business (SAY WHAT?!) which means there is a HUGE opportunity to be seen online as a go-to real estate professional. If you don't have an Instagram, create one today. Add all of your friends, family, local businesses, vendors you work with, and other Realtors! This is an easy way to connect with hundreds of people in no time. Step 2: Link your Instagram to your Facebook page Whether you have a business Facebook, a personal one, or both - an easy way to double your online views is to auto post from Instagram to Facebook. This is a great way to show your content on both platforms without any extra work! By doing this simple step you increase your chances of getting leads from both social media platforms. Step 3: Post about your business, help your followers understand what you do! Not sure what to post on Instagram? In our course, we will help you develop a full 30-day plan for marketing on Instagram, and make it easier than ever to continue intentionally connecting with your new followers. A good rule of thumb is to post answers to common questions you get as a Realtor. Let's say you specialize in working with first-time homebuyers - make the majority of your posts answers to questions they would be asking you. This is a great way to convert your followers into leads. In many cases, you may not know which of your followers are looking to buy their first home and if you're answering questions before they even thought of the question that puts you in a position of authority. Chances will be high they reach out to you when they're ready to buy their first home! Step 4: Ask for reviews from past clients! This was a huge lesson for our marketing team this last year, so we set this huge goal of getting a significant amount of reviews for our business this year. We pride ourselves in the great services we offer, and truly do always try our best and we know our clients love us. However, we only had ONE review on Google at the beginning of 2020 - after 8 years in business! 😳 The first time we actually asked our clients for a review, we got 22 in one day! Can you believe that?! All you have to do is ask (well... and also work super hard to deserve all those reviews 😉), then ask! Asking for reviews (and getting them) will increase your authority in your field! Some studies suggest that 97% of consumers use reviews to determine what local business they decide to work with. Getting Referrals from Social Media Step 1: Be Intentional We believe in being intentional about everything here at RE PIXS, especially marketing! Do you post to social media intentionally? Have you ever thought about what your end game is? Or where you are leading your followers to go after they interact with you on social media? In our opinion, the question "Where are my leads going?" is one of the most important questions to know the answer to. So... where do your leads go? Do you have a website that has a way to capture email addresses? Do you have an email marketing list? Do you have a way for your followers to join your email list? Creating an intentional marketing path may seem like a daunting task, however, it doesn't have to be. Start today by thinking about how you will capture the information of your leads beyond social media - we suggest an email marketing list! Write down a step-by-step map of how leads can find you online and how you would like to communicate with them once they have expressed interest in working with you! Step 2: Ask for referrals from past clients Asking for referrals from past clients is a great way to get hot leads. It is important that your ask is done in a meaningful and intentional way. We typically suggest sending your client base an email with information that current buyers or sellers would love to know. As a Realtor, using current market reports is a great way to ask for referrals. Simply send the market report out to all of your email subscribers with information about why someone should buy or sell. Pass along this information and simply ask for referrals for buyers/sellers or both at the bottom of the email. You could even add a little note asking your clients to forward your email to anyone they know that is currently looking to buy or sell. There are so many options! Step 3: Thank the people who referred you This seems like a no-brainer, however, it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle and simply forget to thank people who referred business to you. Sending a text or email thanking them should be the bare minimum, we suggest handwriting cards or send them a small gift as a token of gratitude (or all of the above!) We have a program here at RE PIXS called "Give $25, Get $25", meaning anyone who refers our small business services gifts a $25 gift card towards our services to their referral and also get $25 off their next order! It's a win-win. We are also fans of sending handwritten notes and are known to send little coffee gift cards to thank anyone who is kind enough to refer our services. Step 4: Publicly thank clients on social media Want a free and simple way to intentionally advertise your services? Thank your current clients for working with you. A great way you could do this, as a Realtor, is to take a photo of you and your clients (or a socially distanced photo of your clients in front of their new house) and post it to social media! Better yet, tag your clients in the post too. On Facebook, this will share your post with all of their followers as well which increases people seeing your brand online! Thanking clients for working with you is a great way for them to leave a sweet review in the comment section for you, as well. If you made it to the end of this blog post CONGRATULATIONS! We have a special deal just for you. It seems like you're committed to improving your social media marketing this upcoming year! We know this blog post in particular is packed with a lot of great information - but it's just the tip of the iceberg! There is so much more we are excited to teach you in our upcoming Intentional Marketing Course (Instagram Edition!). Our goal in 2021 is to help Realtors intentionally market their businesses online in an authentic and meaningful way. We want to help you close the gap between your business and your leads! As you can tell from the simple steps above, so many leads, reviews, and referrals are left on the table each year simply by not having an intentional marketing plan set up. We're here to help 2021 be your BEST year yet! If you're interested in learning more about how to intentionally market your business - we have an opportunity for you. You can pre-order our Intentional Marketing Course (Instagram Edition) today! Launching in early 2021. For our first 10 pre-orders, our team will do a complete Online Presence Audit for your Real Estate business, and give you invaluable insight on how you can improve your social media and web presence. This deal expires soon, so don't miss out! We're excited to work with you! Pre-order the Intentional Marketing for Instagram course today! This special discount and bonus offer is only good through December 31st, 2020!

  • Special Project Spotlight: Twilight Saga House

    At RE PIXS, we've had the opportunity to photograph and scan a lot of cool and unique spaces. This list includes hotels in Las Vegas, different McMenamins locations, The Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm in Woodburn, OR, gorgeous mansions, and many more. One of the most famous spaces we have ever photographed, though, is the house used in the Twilight movies! In case you didn't know, the movie itself was based in Forks, Washington, which was near the coast. A lot of the filming took place in Oregon, though, because of all our beautiful scenery. While you may know that St. Helens, Washington was featured in the Disney Movie, Halloween Town, did you know that Bella Swan's house in the Twilight movie was also in St. Helens? Pretty cool! What's even cooler is that you can actually rent out the house used in filming in as an Air BNB and stay in these same rooms!! They decorate for Christmas, too, and it's pretty cute! Check it out here! Take a look at some of the photos the RE PIXS team took, and how they compared to the movie! What a neat experience for our team! Our photos and the listing agent were even featured in an article! Not only did we enjoy shooting the Twilight house, but we also love taking twilight photos as well! We know a lot of companies use photoshop to tweak original daytime photos to give it a twilight glow, but here at RE PIXS, we utilize the natural light right before sunset and the lights from inside the home, to make real, authentic-looking twilight photographs. If you've never given twilight photos a try, let RE PIXS take some for you! This summer alone, we have had our largest number of twilight shoots- we've had some every single week since June! While standard photography can really showcase the home and make it warm and inviting, a twilight shoot can really make the home pop! Although twilight photos on their own won't necessarily sell a home, they will grab the attention of buyers searching online. In fact, homes with twilight photos get 3x the clicks online vs properties who do not have them. Twilight photos are also a GREAT way to update your listing, typically when a listing is updated after a week or two on the market it is considered a "stale listing" generating fewer views the longer the listing has been online. However, Realtors who have updated their listing with twilight photos typically see an increase in views even if a home has been on the market for weeks. Twilight photos are a great way to catch the eye of buyers who may have overlooked the property before. These twilight photos have very beautiful contrasting colors that make them eye-catching! Look at the difference between this daytime photo and the twilight photo of the same house! What a beautiful difference! The home is so cute in the daytime, has it's own very unique features. But the twilight photos really bring out how luxurious this home is and makes it stand out! Wouldn't you agree? If you'd like to book your twilight shoot, please let us know on your booking form! Head over to our booking form to schedule your shoot today! Book Now!

  • Pivot your Real Estate Business with 3D Matterport Tours

    Chances are, you didn't expect to be limiting your exposure to your listing clients and potential buyers this year - but that is where reality has left us. Adapting in business is essential, and we have witnessed first hand how much the Real Estate industry has changed over the last year. The Real Estate world has become even more tech-savvy than ever before. We have learned the value of being agile along with the importance of being able to work from anywhere at a moment’s notice. Moving forward, we expect the Real Estate industry to transform into even more of an online and virtual service in the near future. Increasing your online brand awareness and enhancing the virtual aspects of your business is even more important than ever - we believe you can do just that with 3D Matterport tours! Just a decade ago professional listing photos were reserved for luxury homes and commercial listings. Now nearly every listing has professional photos, and you know why? Because it's what buyers want and expect from their Agent nowadays. RE PIXS Photographer & 3D Operator - Chris Hancock hard at work creating a 3D tour! Did you know that 50% of buyers found their home online in 2019? Imagine what that number must be this year considering the global pandemic we have found ourselves in. 2020 has changed so much for all of us, so our team did some digging and uncovered some surprising statistics that we think you'd like to know! As a Realtor you know that the Real Estate industry has always kept us on our toes, especially this year as we have gone through this Global Pandemic. As an industry, we have had to quickly pivot, innovate, and adapt. Just as professional photos have become the industry standard, 3D Matterport tours are becoming the new normal as well. The world is changing - and that's not necessarily a bad thing. This year, as a company, we have seen a 437% increase in virtual tours - and the year isn't even over yet! If you have been on the fence about adding a 3D Matterport tour to your next listing, there has never been a better time to try! According to The Lawton Team out of Pheonix Arizona - they have never lost a listing since they started implementing 3D Matterport Tours into their listing presentation. And a whopping 74% of Realtors say they win more listings because of 3D Matterport. According to an independent study done by Matterport and Mixpanel Analytics, they have found that: - 90% of Realtors stated that Matterport helps them build a stronger brand in the marketplace - Real estate listings with more visual content (like video/Matterport) receive 403% more inquiries compared to those without it. Who knew a simple 3D tour could help your Real Estate business so much!? RE PIXS Photographer & 3D Operator - Sam Norwood hard at work creating a 3D tour! Here at RE PIXS, we have always strived to be at the forefront of new Real Estate media technology. We were actually one of the first companies here in Portland, Oregon to offer 3D Matterport tours. In fact, Matterport (the company itself) hires our team as their preferred service provider here in Portland. We have completed thousands of 3D scans, and are trusted by big brands like Starbucks, US Bank, Bed Bath & Beyond, and many more! Our team is experienced and excited to work with you soon! Easily book a 3D tour with your next listing at Have questions? Contact our office at (971) 295-1676 or send an email to! Learn more about the importance of 3D Tours and Fact-Check our statistics with these sources:,with%20your%20marketing%20and%20selling.

  • 5 Ways To Stay Connected As A Remote Team

    Although RE PIXS has always been considered a "remote" team, we thought it may be useful for you to see how we stay connected. With quarantine and COVID-19 social distancing measures, many Real Estate offices have been closed, Realtors are operating from home, and it seems more and more likely that businesses will continue to remain remote for the foreseeable future. Thankfully, we have experience in team building, navigating online communication, and creating a culture that supports families, remote work, and fun! Now, this list is certainly not exhaustive, but these 5 things are areas that we, as a team, try to place emphasis on to make sure we all feel supported and connected, even from afar! 1. Hold Regular Meetings: The first and most important thing to remember is that teams need regular communication. We try to host a team meeting once a quarter, with check-ins and management meetings held weekly. Whether in person or virtual, we make sure these are a priority because it means so much to our team to be able to connect, stay informed about the business, and just have fun together! This may seem like an obvious answer, but you'd be surprised how many businesses put team meetings on the backburner, or shy away from them. We are so grateful to know that when our team does get the opportunity to come together, it feels like family. 2. Be Involved On A Personal Level: It can be easy to ignore the personal life of team members when you do not have access to them on a daily basis. In an office, typical "office banter" allows you to make personal connections with your team that you may have taken for granted once you become remote. For example, in an office, you may know your coworker likes to drink a Chai Tea because they show up with one every morning. With a remote team, these opportunities are few and far between, so it is imperative to stay involved on a deeper level. We know that our team members have lives outside of work and since we are working from home and in the community often, we have incorporated individual team check-ins so that we are always aware of what is going both personally and professionally. For instance, we know some team members only have one vehicle, and that can impact their family schedules. Other team members have children, and we pride ourselves on being accepting and welcoming of our little photographers in the making, especially the canine versions! 3. Provide A Resource For Team Communication: This one is HUGE for us. We all communicate through Slack, and it has really been a game-changer for the team. With remote teams, texting is not always the best option as it does not allow for a work-life balance and often teams are too large to fit in one group text without issues. Using slack has allowed us to create threads for scheduling, team chats, general information, and more! It keeps information organized, and Angie's stress levels at a minimum because she knows everyone is staying up to date and connected. We also take the opportunity to do a weekly wrap up every Friday via video, so the team is aware of what is going on AND they get to see our faces. Not only is it great for communication, but we also use it to facilitate our next two points! 4. Plan Virtual Events: Since our in-person meetings have been limited lately, we have decided to implement virtual planning to help with team morale and cohesion. If you follow us on social media, you may have seen that we have hosted several events "online", to include a virtual scavenger hunt and my personal favorite, team spirit week. The team was not required to participate, but they all did anyway because it was a great way to connect and have fun. You'd be surprised how fast some of these people can find items on a scavenger hunt, take a photo of them, and upload to slack when bragging rights and a gift card is at stake! If you ever need any ideas assistance planning virtual events for your team, feel free to reach out to our management staff! 5. HAVE FUN: Last but certainly not least would be to remember to always have fun. I'm sure you know by now that RE PIXS celebrates the professional side just as much as the silly and fun side. Each day, Bitmojis and GIFs are tossed around by all team members, and in fact, it is a requirement that you like GIFs in order to be our team. We try to keep the mood light, especially in such trying times. And we know our photographers work so hard every day, so the management staff will set up surprise drop-offs of care packages once in a while for them. Most recently, Angie and Amanda hunted down each photographer and planted a cooler, fully stocked with fun treats and sanitizer, on the cars of each team member while they were at shoots. Sometimes, it is a simple gesture that can make someone's day, and since we are a PEOPLE FIRST business, this is something we love to do. And there you have it, 5 ways to stay connected as a remote team. RE PIXS operates with the highest standards as it relates to relationships, culture, and morale. If you would like to know more about how we operate differently than most businesses, subscribe and stay tuned for more updates!

  • Supporting Small Businesses & Making an Impact - It's what we're all about!

    COVID-19 has impacted SO many businesses this year, and we wanted to find a way to support those who have had the most challenging time (particularly foodservice businesses). Since RE PIXS has been blessed through this season, we kept asking ourselves "what more can we do to support our local economy?" we're always on the lookout for ways to make an impact! You might be wondering the same questions we were, like, how in the world can a real estate photography business help a restaurant or foodservice business? Although our main services are photos, video, drone, and 3D matterport - making an impact is the heartbeat behind all we do. If you've followed us for a while you've probably seen some of the awesome ways we have been able to pivot and support others from year to year. Last month we teamed up with Joule Crafted Nutrition to provide meals to frontline workers - those who were and still are working tirelessly to keep our communities safe and healthy. By teaming up with Joule not only were we able to support our beloved essential workers - we were able to support many other small businesses too! I think it is so important to know what is going on behind the scenes of a business. When you peel back the outer layers you'll start to see the things you wouldn't inherently know right away. Like who do they source their products from? How do they help the community? What is their belief system behind their company? One of the main reasons we chose to partner with this brand is because they source all of their food locally from other small businesses. So by our little real estate photography business providing meals for essential workers, we were also able to provide continued jobs and income for other businesses that we most likely would have never had the opportunity to work with. It is a ripple effect! Which is a win-win-win if you ask me! As a team, we were able to provide hundreds of meals to our frontline workers thanks to clients like YOU for supporting our small business. You are a catalyst to the ripple effect RE PIXS is able to make. It has been such a strange season for many of us as we traverse this "new" normal, as a company we have been able to pivot positively to the guidelines that small businesses have had to adapt to. As difficult as this season has been we have been lucky enough to have our busiest quarter-to-date thanks to our clients who continually support our small business. We don't take your choice to work with us lightly! It is our goal to continue to make a positive impact on our community and world through the hard-earned money you entrust our team with. I encourage you to discover the plethora of small businesses in your local community, find out who they are, and who you can impact by purchasing from them. If we consciously choose to work with brands that have the biggest positive effects on our local economies and communities we will make a massive impact together. Be sure to check out Joule Crafted Nutrition located at 4615 NE Sandy Blvd. You'll be sure to find nutritious AND delicious food, and even better people operating the business behind the scenes! If you have any food sensitivities you'll be excited to know that Joule is free from gluten, sugar, soy, & corn. Every ingredient is carefully selected for its nutrient density and ability to work into whichever way of eating works best for their clients. And be sure to share your experience on social media! We can't wait to hear about your experience at Joule. If anything, I hope this season full of so much unknown has helped align you with the things that matter most to you and shined a light on those who continue to find ways to work and grow even in the hardest of times. And remember - we're in this together. Want to help us keep making an impact? Book your next residential or commercial photo shoot with us here. Do you know of other local small businesses that are helping our community? We would love to learn about them and meet some of the people behind these businesses. Send us a quick text, email, or comment below - tell us who your favorite business to partner with are, and why! We love hearing from you!

  • Look Inside Ashley's Life...

    If you've been around for a while, then you know RE PIXS is a woman-owned and operated business! BUT there may be a few things about how we got started that you may be wondering about. Ashley, our founder, and CEO started RE PIXS after realizing there was a strong need for Real Estate Agents to have a full-service team available to take photos of their listings. Ashley started out by working at the front desk of a well-known Real Estate company here in Portland. Knowing she always had a passion for photography, she began to take a few photos of listings for those agents. That's really when things began to shift... Ashley's idea to start RE PIXS quickly took off and became successful. She created partnerships in the community and was landing lifetime clients left and right, simply because of the genuine relationships she had built around her. Now, RE PIXS is the largest Real Estate media production team in the Portland Metro area, and it is all because of Ashley's tenacity to do things differently and serve agents. Want to learn more about our team and how we contribute to the Portland community? Subscribe to get our blog updates here --> Now, you may be wondering what makes Ashley so different? And while I could write an entire novel about this topic, there are a few key details I will share now. Remember how I said this business is the largest of its kind in Portland? Did you know RE PIXS had never done any paid marketing until a few months ago? That is because of Ashley's amazing ability to connect with people from all walks of life. If you know her, you know I mean it when I say she considers every human beautiful and unique, and she will ALWAYS put their needs above her own. As our CEO, Ashley leads with grace, compassion, and a desire to put people first in her business. This rings true for our clients, our team, and in the community. It is uncommon to find a leader with such compassion, but also a sharp mind with an ability to see issues from multiple lenses. Ashley is our automation QUEEN, the entire Technology Department, and also oversees all day to day operations. Always working to improve herself and the business, Ashley has even scaled a mountain in complete silence in order to prioritize her life and goals! She is a true entrepreneur, meaning she can do anything she sets her mind to, and I mean that! Outside of work, Ashley is known for her generosity and heart. She is constantly scaling the globe in search of meaningful ways to give back to those less fortunate. Every year, she travels to Nicaragua, leading mission teams, and providing much-needed assistance in their communities. This last Christmas, she took on a lofty goal to bless 10 families with a wonderful Christmas, and she exceeded her goals! When she isn't on mission trips, enjoying tasty food, or working, Ashley can be found in her garden with her giant dog, Wellington. Yes, she can do that too and has quite the green thumb! If you'd like to follow along with her journey, follow her on Instagram HERE! Ashley is always on the go, whether it's traveling, hiking, biking, or perusing Homegoods, she likes to be moving and productive and usually does so with a tea in hand! When I asked Amanda, our Director of Operations what she likes most about working for Ashley she said, "Since I have known Ashley for over 10 years, I have seen the business grow from the start. The amount of love and kindness she puts into all aspects of work - her team, her clients, her baseline of operating a business - is so unique and refreshing. I am so proud to be a part of RE PIXS because of who Ashley is as a leader and as a friend". Ashley, THANK YOU for being YOU. For your heart, your spirit, and your dedication toward making this world a better place. WE LOVE YOU - The RE PIXS Team

  • Fields of Tulips for ALL

    In the early mornings and late evenings of April, I spent my time on a tulip field. I never envisioned my career in Real Estate Photography would end up here, but I'm so grateful it did. If you want to book a 3D Matterport scan for your special project or real estate listing you can do so here! A little back story - when I was young my grandpa would bring me to these tulip fields each year, and after his passing, I continued to visit the fields (usually multiple times a year!) but this year was a little different. The tulip fields at Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm were closed to the public for the first time since they opened on Easter weekend 1985. When I saw the announcement on social media my spirit was crushed, to be honest - missing out on the tulip farms, to me, meant missing out on my grandpa too. The decision to close the Tulip Festival was one the owners of Wooden Shoe didn't take lightly. Especially since it's their biggest event of the year. As a farm, the financial strain of closing for an event you've prepped for seasons in advance is devastating. There was quite an uproar from the public regarding the closure, in which the Iverson family handled with true grace and humility. After spending some time with Barb and Emily (the mother-daughter duo that runs Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm), it was obvious that the concern for public health and safety was their highest priority - even at the cost of closing their biggest event. Each day Emily and Barb would share photos, videos, and commentary about the fields. This way the public could enjoy the breathtaking beauty of the 2020 tulip season. But we wanted to do something more! If you've been to the farm you know that photos don't do it justice. Even the professional photos still don't encompass the beauty that you see there with your own two eyes. So we decided to try to capture it with our 3D Matterport technology. Keep in mind this camera is designed for INSIDE spaces only. These special cameras have multiple lenses and sensors that send out and capture infrared light as it bounces back. Do you know what gives off the most infrared light? The sun. This means if you try to use these 3D cameras outside it's nearly impossible to capture any data with the pesky sun interference. After a ton of research and the sheer will to push the limits of 3D technology, we figured out that if we scanned the fields for 15 minutes before and after sunrise or sunset we could get the camera to work with little to no infrared interference. That means 30 minutes in the morning, and 30 minutes in the evening was all the time we had to attempt to capture acres of tulips. I skipped the gym the entire 2 weeks we worked at the farm because I was literally RUNNING between the rows of tulips to try to capture this for you guys. Not to mention the extra work of jumping, squatting, and dodging the 3D camera as it spins to capture data, haha! If you look close enough you'll find my sister and I in many of the scans - some because we needed to use our bodies as props for the 3D camera to align properly and some because we simply weren't sly enough to dodge the camera 100% of the time. Since the 3D Matterport camera reads infrared light it picks up textures and items to use for alignment, not the colors it sees - so when you have acres of repetitive flowers that all look the same to the camera, it made for a difficult scan. While traveling through the tulip fields you'll see the props we moved all around the farm with us! Benches, crates, flower pots, the pink tractor, and more! If you look close enough you'll even find some wooden shoe clogs. Thank God my quarantine team was there to help! I often wonder what onlookers working on the fields thought of us crazy ladies running around were up to. If you want to book a 3D Matterport scan for your special project or real estate listing you can do so here! Now everyone can see the fruits of our labor! Our early morning drives and late evening escapades made something beautiful for all to see. And although the fields we're closed this year - we wanted to bring them to you. So you can explore from the safety of your own home. Take a peek around, and tour the 2020 Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm fields - even months after they're gone. Love what you see? Please check out the farm website and buy tulip bulbs for your garden, or a season pass for next year. Together we can support our farming community - we sure need them. Thank you to the Iverson family, and the entire Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm staff for making this 3D scan a possibility. We're excited to see what you have up your sleeve for the 2021 Tulip Festival! Although I'm sad that thousands of people were unable to visit the farm this year I couldn't help but think each morning that my grandpa was there with me, and this special project was a little gift orchestrated by him and the big guy upstairs. ISAIAH 41:10 I hope you love this project as much as we did, leave a comment below and let us know what you think. If you want to book a 3D Matterport scan for your special project or real estate listing you can do so here!

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